If you are a little vague on this, first think about the incident [or driving] energy that is directed toward an objective. If the objective absorbs all the effort directed toward it, there is no reflected or unused effort. But when there is unused effort then interference is felt between the effort directed toward the objective and effort reflected from it or not used.
Interference causes waves form; in the project context interference waves cause periodic delays alternating with progress. The degree, or amplitude of the interference is felt by the duration of the delays and progress. These waves are called 'standing waves', and the SWR is simply the ratio of the energy directed to the objective to the energy unused and reflected back.
The traffic model
We've all experienced standing waves. Just drive in traffic. Inexplicably the traffic stops or slows, then speeds up, only to slow or stop again. Why?!
These are standing waves of progress and delay. The objective [the road ahead] can't absorb all the incident effort [traffic], so some effort is reflected that interferes with oncoming traffic.
Typically, traffic waves occur--and flow is disturbed--when the road changes character, usually because of a discontinuity: a traffic accident, a slow driver, a change in the number of lanes, or a traffic light. Remove the discontinuity, and the standing waves decrease, flow improves, and effort is used more effectively. Friction [non value add effort, in this case standing in traffic burning fuel and consuming time without result] is reduced. Thus, during rush hour, you may notice the traffic lights tend to be retimed to reduce the SWR of the traffic and improve flow.
The project effects
Now, what about projects? Don't project discontinuities produce a project SWR? They do indeed. Project processes are like the highway, conveying effort to the objective. But processes are embedded in the project network schedule. If there are sequencing, resource, or task discontinuities then there will be waves of delay and progress.
So, what are we talking about when we say "discontinuities"? Examples:
- Successor tasks mismatched to predecessor tasks; the successor resources can't absorb all the predecessor results, thereby creating a constraint and changing flow
- Incorrect sequencing that disturbs timing
- Parallel paths joining; two or more teams now feed into one or more successor teams, disturbing flow
- Work-flow decision loops that are out of sync or not paced to maintain flow in project processes
- Batch schedules rather than real-time
- Lead and lag effects in schedules that change the coupling between the project clock and the wall clock
- Idle staff...marching army effects...who distract engaged staff
Think about this the next time you are in traffic.

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