Thursday, October 28, 2010

Process projects Part II "As Is" hints

In Part II of this series, I take up a few key questions and hints for the to-do list for the "AS IS" analysts. {hint about the 'hints': you might want to take a look at Part I to get some of the jargon used here}

  • Identify all the verticals in each process; each stakeholder of a vertical could be a nemesis, but at the very least represents an 'authority' that may have to be addressed in workflow.
  • Identify all the authorities that flow across the vertical boundaries, and other boundary properties--timing, data, data transforms required
  • Look at any required functionalities at the vertical interfaces within the process. [To make an end to end process, there are often multiple data transformations and other interface services to get the end to end to flow]
  • Tag processes that are 'certified' by an external authority [ISO, auditors, etc] and get specifics about what must be maintained to keep the certification or audit integrity
  • Tag processes are certified internally and re-up the business justification for these
  • Identify processes that must be TRUSTED for pay or other.
  • Answer the question: Does there really need to be configuration control on untrusted processes?
  • As improvement targets, develop a list of  process properties that are below some standard [cost, quality, etc]
  • Examine the TOC issues at the process boundaries with the verticals. How is the constraint managed, if at all?
  • What tradeoff is the executives prepared to make between innovation and process configuration control? That is, the bane of process control is that it over-centralizes, introduces too much command and control, is not agile, and removes incentives for innovation
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