...the software quit before the pilots
Matthew Squair
Matthew's quote comes from his recent blog, one of his many, on the crash of the Air France flight into the Atlantic off Brazil.
This latest analysis is about what else? Software requirements. He lays part of the blame for flying a perfectly airworthy aircraft into the sea, tail down, at 10,000 ft/min, at the feet of the stall warning software, software that quit when foreward airspeed got to 60Kts.
Did I mention tail first?
Matthew's blog is called "Dark Matter". Aptly named in my view
This latest analysis is about what else? Software requirements. He lays part of the blame for flying a perfectly airworthy aircraft into the sea, tail down, at 10,000 ft/min, at the feet of the stall warning software, software that quit when foreward airspeed got to 60Kts.
Did I mention tail first?
Matthew's blog is called "Dark Matter". Aptly named in my view

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