Sunday, September 25, 2011

Building your personal brand

I recently had an the opportunity to address a group of project managers about how to build a personal brand.

Ah yes! The personal brand. And what is that exactly? I told the group: these days, it's whatever the web search says it is. Your identity is more or less your public identity on the internet: it's whatever HR or the hiring manager, or anyone else can find about you as they figure out who you are.

So my advice was: take the initiative. Build your brand on the web yourself and get out in front of the web search. And, there's a lot of ways to do it. Of course, own your; and create profiles on the professional network sites that will show up in web searches.

Another idea: have a friend interview you and create your own audio blog. It's cheap and its easy.

And, more, so here's the presentation as available on

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