"Managing project value" has been a theme I've written a lot about -- I've even written a whole book about it (Did you notice the book cover below?)
So, I was fascinated with a series on the Kahn Academy about the value of a start-up. Admittedly, venture start-up is a little off the bore-sight of a project, but not that far off. This because a central tool in my thinking is the "project balance sheet" between the business (value, resources, commitment) and the project (deliverables, schedule, resource consumption).
The main tool in the business value presentation by Sal Kahn is the business balance sheet, beginning with the value of an idea, and the value of critical or unique skills. These assets are balanced by a valuation, first just a division of made-up equity, but later by a division of real money.
Somewhat like agile ideas, and other incremental methodologies, Kahn up-values the idea each time there is something concrete to show that is progress toward making the idea a business reality. Ultimately the market makes the valuation, but in getting there it's much like the accumulating value earned along the way by more and more deliverables.
Give the series a look and listen; there's much to be learned.
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