Looking for a Kanban model for your WIP -- work in process?
How about the simplest? DO -- DOING -- DONE?
What it’s about
To Do
All the backlog from customer;
all the project debris, all the technical debt
Everything started but not finished
All done, except some debt might
have been referred to TO DO
Too simple?
Here's the one I like the best because it's ubiquitous and can be applied really anywhere:
What it’s about
To Do
All the backlog from customer;
all the project debris, all the technical debt
Narrative, design, outline
The epoch story; the overall architecture; the outline of
the deliverable(s)
All the building and assembly of
Integrate & test
Tie the units together and see if they work
Validate and Verify
Everything accounted for? Ooops, left one out; back to construction
All done, except some debt might have been referred to TO
Got one you like? Use it!
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