Making a presentation?
Speaking to a large group?
Are you confident?
Yes? Good show! Hopefully, your audience will think so also.
Mike Clayton has a helpful posting about behaviors during your presentation that will go along with projecting confidence to your audience. Helpfully, Clayton says it takes less than 2 minutes to read it.
Here are two ideas I like, especially the first on about hands. I've personally made that a "must do" and its proven very helpful
HandsTED-talks: See this stuff in action. View some TED-talks and watch for the confidence projection techniques. You'll find Clayton's advice is universally practiced.
Keep them still. Fight the fidget. Take everything out of your pockets (if you have them) to avoid the temptation to play with them. And if there's nothing in your pocket - don't play with it.
Slow down. Nervous people hurry. With speakers I also talk about the power pause, to get and hold attention.
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