The future may not repeat history, but it rhymes
No linearityAnother way to understand the opening witticism is that activities guided by people aren't amenable to linear -- that is, straight line -- projections and forecasts. But they are often close
Fair enough ... most would agree. Experience keeps us between the lines, as it were.
The upshot is that using the facts of history to forecast the randomness of the future requires the forecast to be probabilistic -- that is: needs to allow for a range of outcomes, subject to the biases, experience, pressures, and circumstances that inform human activity -- in the moment.
Repeat vs Rhyme
Linear projections of the past history or performance into the future usually are wide of the mark. Why? Because the very projection itself stimulates a counter-strategy. Thus no repeat!
But, projects are rarely a green field, so there are historically defined limits -- process, culture, experience. Thus, the future rhymes with the past, even if not repeated.
Project manager's mission:
Among several possible mission statements is this one (*):
The mission of the project manager is to defeat forecasts that imperil delivering expected value within the bounds of reasonable risk
(*) See page 2 of this blog for a more complete explanation of the project manager's mission
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