Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Agile down the ages

In the beginning, there was pre-history Agile, almost prehistoric era:
  • Before 2000 and the meeting in Utah that birthed modern Agile
  • Rogue developers trying various "light weight" and "rapid" prototyping and coding practises. In the SEI world, a ghastly level 1 operation of different strokes for different folks
  • Everyone else slaving to command and control -- SEI maturity model uber alles!
And then came the 'our way or the highway' era
  • Passionate, almost hysterical, disciples of the paradigm handed down from the Utah mountain
  • There is no God but the one Agile God
  • "You just don't get it" if you question us
  • Push back from the money crowd: "I'm not going to put money into something that has no plan"
And now, the common sense era
  • Distinguished Agilists are writing and coaching for the real world where every sprint does not put code into production (shocking!)
  • Every deliverable with value is not necessarily code (imagine! other stuff has value-add)
  • You're actually allowed to not have a retro session after every sprint; some stuff does not need to be completed after every sprint
  • The product owner and customer/user can be surrogates for large organizations
  • Plans can be drawn, and a business case for the money guys!
  • Stories can be detailed out as requirements
What will they think of next?

What more on agile? Available now! The second edition .........

Buy them at any online book retailer!