The oldest technique in the book, indeed before there were even books, is "acceptance"
- To drive a car is to accept the risk that the other driver isn't too drunk, too sleepy, too unskilled, too distracted, too whatever
- To take on debt is to accept the risk that you'll have the means to repay without bankrupting yourself
- To take on unsecured credit is to accept the risk (trust, really) that you'll be repaid
- To live with another person ......
- To be a whistle-blower (even though there are some risk management elements built into law) ...
Because we have to.
- Agriculture was a risk if you were a hunter-gatherer
- Industry was a risk if you were a farmer
- Change is a risk, no matter ...
- And, now we've got living together is a risk. But that risk will be accepted, in time
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