In the good ole days, say 2019 and before, PMO's invested in physical assets to gather the team efficiently: day care centers built-in; personal services provided; lots of great environment.
And, for that investment, the payback was more calories of the workforce individually paid into the project, to wit: more work per worker
Now comes dispersal
Work from home, or some regional center, or from wherever, whenever
What's the ROI on dispersal investment: remote tools and such for the workforce? Other perks, but local?
In the short run:
In the short run, as I've posted before, some costs will be lower, so the ROI on dispersal may be quite favorable for a short time.
But, we may not get the return we are looking for
Some pundits say:
Some say corporate power will be more concentrated as the start-ups that depend on the opportunistic synergy of a loosely coupled but in-person workforce find it harder to, well: start up.
Some say that mobility will be re-invented like it was in the decades after WW II: just get up and go work anywhere. What does that say about investment in training etc, and loyalty to the team?
But others say that human-centric institutions, like our great universities, will be weakened and thereby the trained individuals they provide will be fewer (Yikes!)
So, who then pays?
Enter: more intern and OJT programs (probably not a bad thing). But, how do you get your money back? I guess you insist on an "enlistment" for the time it takes for the ROI to be at least break-even if not better
Culture at a fast pace:
No doubt of it, we're on a fast pace to somewhere.
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