Certainly since the dawn of the internet in the mid-90's, and gaining momentum since the millennium, disruptive change has been a fact of business life, to say nothing of the impacts on culture and behavior in the general population.
But, there's a case for institutional stability among all the disruption and debris of change.
And that case is built on the value proposition of strategic outlook:
That is to say: individuals come and go; incumbent leadership teams come and go, but the general framework for business activity changes at a much slower pace, in effect providing strategic stability and security even if there is great tactical maneuvering.
It's not too much to say that this institutional framework, consisting not only of process and procedure, but also cultural norms, actually facilitates effective change in product substance.
How so? Consider this: The new team doesn't need to invent the framework -- at some cost -- while they are inventing the new "thing"; they may only need to bend the framework a bit.
PMO Stability
The thing about strategic stability is that people don't have to keep looking over their shoulder to see if they've been left behind or left out on a limb.
What does this mean to the PMO?
- Less overhead, for one thing; and greater throughput for another.
- Stability means less rework, and
- It means that remote teams can get the job done with a much less onerous overlay of constant communication with the mother ship.
Command vs cooperation
Admiral "Bull" Halsey, a disrupter in his day (WW II in the Pacific), has been quoted as saying "cooperation is no substitute for command". "Command"was the culture of his day.
We've moved along. Today, we might say: "Cooperation is an essential replacement for command"
If that is so, and few would argue otherwise in the mosaic we call the modern economy, then strategic stability is all the more important.
How can you reasonably cooperate if the basis for cooperation is in constant flux? To cooperate is to assume and accept that certain behaviors and commitments of the counter-party will sustain over time while you do your thing.
Thus, the inherent value in institutional and strategic stability.
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