Leading -- leadership -- without risk; without taking on risk?!
It can't be done.
End of posting.
Perhaps a bit more:
To be a leader is to put yourself out front ... exposed, as it were
And, out front you'll find there are no easy answers.
If there were such, leadership would be more like management: Follow the rules; stay within the guides; take little personal risk to reputation and career; work for a salary instead of a compensation plan.
But, to be known as a leader is too put at risk not only yourself but your project as well.
And, you can't buy insurance for that sort of stuff.
If you can't step out front ... expose yourself to risk of failure and to making a wrong decision from time to time, then you should look for another line of work.
Need even more?
In fact, a whole book was written on just this theme:
Ronald Heifetz wrote "Leadership without Easy Answers"
Highly readable and very instructive.
Buy them at any online book retailer!