Risk Management in IT projects
For years (a lot of years) IT companies have been paying bounties to hackers to find vulnerabilities in target IT systems and report them to bug fixers before they become a business hazard. This bounty system has worked for the most part, but it's a QC (find after the fact) rather than QA (quality built-in) approach, somewhat of necessity given the complexity of IT software systems.
Enter AI agents
Now, of course, there is a new sheriff in town that aims more at QA than QC: AI bug detectors based on the large language models (LLM) that can be deployed to seek out the bug risks earlier in the development and beta cycles.
For a deep dive, you can read this paper from researchers at Cornell University.
But the idea is summarized by Daniel Miessler this way:
The way forward on automated hacking is this: 1) teams of agents, 2) extremely detailed capture of human tester thought processes, lots of real-world examples, and time. I suspect that in 2-5 years, agent-based web hacking will be able to get 90% of the bugs we normally see submitted in web bug bounties. But they’ll be faster. And the reports will be better. That last 10% will remain elusive until those agents are at AGI level.
Zero Trust
CISA, the nation's cyber-defense agency, is continuing its 'zero trust' IT systems imitative, now with an office dedicated to the program. Some of the program details are found here, including information about the Zero Trust Security Model.
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