Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Enterprise-quality browser for the PMO

The trusty internet browser that has been around since the Netscape days of the 1990's has largely been a lay person's user interface to the internet and sundry consumer internet apps accessed via the browser.

Fair enough
Let's stipulate: In the last 30 years that browser user experience has improved dramatically, to be sure.

Something different
But in recent years, and especially accelerating in 2024, the "enterprise-quality" browser had made inroads in the enterprise business world. New browser companies (*)  have formed and are addressing the heightened security needs of the enterprise as well as a myriad of other needs (see below). This opportunity is not lost on the traditional guys from Microsoft, Apple, and Google; they also have their versions of an enterprise browser. (*)

The general requirements set is this:
  • The need for an easier and less complicated way to integrate business apps into the browser. 
  • More of a "windows" (small 'w') look with multiple app windows in a common display, decidedly different from a row (or column) of tabs.
  • Security protections that are more demanding in the enterprise setting.
  • Network, IT, and data protection functions built-in 
PMO effects
So in the PMO you may see new browsers and some of your favorite apps, like Office, database engines, scheduling and costing apps, statistical apps, and others that are somewhat "bolt-on" apps to the consumer browsers (Chrome, Edge, and Safari) become a more integrated app set on the enterprise browser. 

(*) Island and Here, formerly OpenFin, but also "Edge for Business" from Microsoft and "Chrome Enterprise" from Google

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