The blog title is actually from the mantra of the U.S. Navy SEALS
Slow is smooth; smooth is fast.U.S. Navy SEALS
Now, this bit of wisdom may strike you as similar to the project tips we've been working with for years, to wit: "quality is free", and "it's cheaper and faster to do it right the first time" which recognizes the cost and schedule penalty of rework.
It's about rhythm and balance
From the SEALS website, we learn: "This phrase isn't just about being slow or fast; it's about finding a rhythm that balances precision and pace, ultimately leading to swifter progress. The SEALs swear by it... but how can we apply it beyond military contexts?
More depth:
Of course, there's a YouTube on "Smooth and Fast"
On the website, link given in the first sentence, there is a long-form article on the concept. Two chapters stand out:
Applying "Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast" Beyond Military Contexts
Incorporating the Mantra into Business Practices
Using the Mantra for Project Management
The Role of "Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast" in Team Dynamics
Promoting Smoothness in Team Operations
The Mantra's Impact on Team Efficiency
In the PM domain, the recommendations are:
- Be deliberate; take the time to consider and prepare
- Quality trumps speed (the cost of rework is embedded in this one)
- Keep refining (Sort of a Bayesian idea, not so much continuous improvement)
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