Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Layoff in the middle of a project?

Well, talk about cratering a schedule and resource plan!
Layoffs in the middle of a project will do it for you.

But wait!
There may be a silver lining here:
  • Communication complexity in and among project participants decreases as the square of participants. That could be a winner

  • You may be able to select the departees. That's tough in any circumstance, but it's also an opportunity to prune the lesser performers.

  • Some say that if you want to speed up a project, especially software, reduce the number of people involved (the corollary is more often cited: adding people to a team may actually slow it down)

  • There's an opportunity to rebaseline: All the variances-to-date are collected and stored with the expiring baseline. A new plan according to the new resource availability becomes a new baseline. Unfavorable circumstances can perhaps be sidestepped.
Of course, there are downsides:
  • If your customer is external, they may not relent on any requirements. You're stuck trying to make five pounds fit in a three pound bag.

  • There may be penalties written in your project contract if you miss a milestone, or overrun a budget. That just adds to the fiscal pain that probably was the triggering factor for layoffs.
Did you see this layoff thing coming?
  • On the project balance sheet, you are the risk manager at the end of the day. So, suck it up!

  • And there's the anti-fragile thing: build in redundancy, schedule and budget buffers, and outright alternatives from the git-go. And, if you didn't do those things in the first baseline, you've got a second bite at the apple with the recovery baseline.

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Monday, December 9, 2024

Management v Engineer

A balloonist was lost. 
He descended to just 30' above the ground where he spotted a lady below
"Can you tell me where I am?" he called out.
She responded: "Your altitude is 30' above ground; your latitude is 28.538 north; your longitude is 81.378 west" 

The balloonist said: "You must be an engineer!"
She responded: "Yes, how did you know?"
He said: "You have given me facts, but no information that is useful for me. You haven't helped me at all, and I'm still lost!"
She responded: "You must be in management!"
He said: "Yes, how did you know?"
She responded: "You have all the facts, but still you say you're lost and can not help yourself. You have positioned yourself above me, and me below you, only now you say it's my fault!"

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Friday, December 6, 2024

Being in the workforce

I cannot express to you how much you need to become all of these if you want to be employed / employable going forward.
  • Thinker / Creator
  • Product Manager
  • Developer (AI Augmented, of course)
  • Sales / Marketing expert (AI Augmented, of course)
These are all merging. It’s all one thing.
It’s just called being in the workforce.
You have to be able to come up with ideas, implement them, and then get them to market. Full stop.
This is the work side of Human 3.0.

Daniel Miessler

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Monday, December 2, 2024

Emergent methodologies

The influence of A.I. on project methodologies and process steps is yet to be defined, practised widely, and understood in the context of what most of think of when we think of project methods and processes, skills, risks, and predictable and planned outcomes .

And so, we are told to brace for emergent outcomes, not entirely predictable at the outset. And we are told to adapt our leadership and management skills to this reality (or reality in-waiting)

With that all in mind, I asked chatGPT to opine on emergent methods. Here is what it gave me back:

In the context of project management, "emergence" or "emergent methods" refers to the phenomenon where complex and unpredictable outcomes arise from the interactions and dynamics of various elements within a project. Instead of relying solely on predetermined plans and rigid processes, emergent methods embrace adaptability, flexibility, and the ability to respond to changing circumstances.

Traditionally, project management has followed a linear or sequential approach, where all tasks and dependencies are predetermined in a detailed project plan. However, this approach can be limiting when faced with uncertain and dynamic environments. Emergent methods offer an alternative perspective by acknowledging that projects are often complex, and the future is uncertain.

In emergent methods, project managers adopt a more iterative and adaptive approach, focusing on continuous learning and improvement throughout the project lifecycle. Rather than trying to predict and control every aspect of the project from the outset, emergent methods encourage exploration, experimentation, and the ability to adjust the project's direction based on real-time feedback and insights.

Key characteristics of emergent methods in project management include:

Iterative Planning: Instead of creating a rigid and detailed plan at the beginning of the project, emergent methods emphasize iterative planning. This involves developing a broad roadmap and refining it in smaller increments as the project progresses and new information becomes available.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Emergent methods embrace the concept of learning as you go. Project teams gather feedback and data throughout the project's execution, allowing them to adapt their strategies and make informed decisions based on evolving conditions and requirements.

Flexibility and Agility: Emergent methods prioritize flexibility and agility to respond to changing circumstances. This may involve adjusting project scope, reallocating resources, or modifying project objectives based on emerging needs or unforeseen challenges.

Empowered Teams and Collaboration: Emergent methods emphasize empowering project teams to make decisions and encouraging collaboration. By promoting open communication and fostering a culture of trust, teams can respond effectively to emerging issues and capitalize on opportunities.

Embracing Uncertainty: Unlike traditional project management approaches that attempt to eliminate uncertainty, emergent methods recognize that uncertainty is inherent in complex projects. Instead of resisting it, these methods embrace uncertainty and focus on building resilience and adaptive capacity.

Emergent Leadership: In emergent methods, project managers adopt a leadership style that is more facilitative and empowering. They create an environment where team members can contribute their expertise and collectively make decisions to address emergent challenges.

By adopting emergent methods, project managers can better navigate complex and unpredictable projects, promote innovation and creativity, and increase the chances of project success in dynamic environments. However, it's important to note that emergent methods are not suitable for all projects and may require a shift in mindset and organizational culture to be effectively implemented.

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